Kingston Celiac Association
Find Out More About Celiac Disease and the
Gluten Free Diet By Clicking on the Links Below
If you think you may have celiac disease and want to find out more regarding how to talk to your doctor about working towards a diagnosis.
Food labelling is the best place to start with a gluten free diet, but it can be confusing. The CCA has a resource to help.
You may have heard lots of information about Celiac Disease and are wondering what to believe. Find out more about Myths and Facts.
The gluten free diet is the only treatment for celiac disease. There's lots to learn about avoiding gluten. Here's a great place to start.
The Canadian Celiac Association provides brochures and resources in English and French. Other resources are available in Punjabi, Chinese, Arabic and Urdu.
The Professional Advisory Board of the CCA has carefully researched some issues you be questioning and have published Position Statements on -
Gluten in Lotions and Cosmetics
The CCA works with a trusted certification program to allow products to display the GFCP symbol. They have also developed a powerful tool to search for products with this strict certification.

About Us
The Kingston Chapter of Celiac Canada was started to support members of the public who identified as requiring a gluten free diet either by diagnosis of celiac disease or from non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Our group meets to discuss common issues and stays informed with a local newsletter. We also work with our local foodbank to assist in the collection of gluten free food to benefit our community.
Contact Us
Sign up here to receive our newsletters and upcoming emails. If you'd just like to have a chat about celiac disease or the gluten free diet, please include a message.